May 12, 2011

Where Have I Been?

I can't quite answer that question except that I couldn't think of anything to write about.  I'm sure there has been something, but I guess I will post it all in one.

Since the last post Lucas has lost a second tooth.  He cracks me up because he actually pulled this one on his own which prompted a visit from the "tooth lady."  Ha! 
The Tooth Lady

2 teeth gone.

We have begun T-ball Season.  Lucas is playing short stop, which is pretty impressive (to me at least) considering this is only his second year.  He is holding his own.  If a ball is hit you will find him chasing after it.  He is aggressive, which is a good thing.  Last year he played in the dirt, picked his nose, and picked flowers.  This year is definitely a step up.

Allie graduated from college last weekend too!  That was so exciting.  I have pictures, but they will have to wait until another time.  I'm just so proud of her I can hardly stand it!  Love that girl!

Grad calling everyone after the big moment.

Sydney, Melinda, Allie & My Mom

Allie & Brandon

Allie & Melinda

Sydney & Allie

Me & Allie

Melinda and Mom

Table we did for the after party/Derby.

Sydney, Melinda & Allie

Finally, we are leaving on Saturday for Florida for our first family trip to Disney World!  Lucas cannot wait to go to "Mickey's Castle!"  Me either for that matter.  This is going to be a blast.  Lots of pictures will definitely follow that trip.

April 19, 2011

Water for Elephants

I have been waiting for Water for Elephants (the movie) since the day I finished the book.  I fell in love with the characters right off the bat.  Who would have thought that I could relate to a bunch of carnies?  Ha!  The movie company has been promoting this flick and torturing me with short trailers, but the time has come.  The movie will be released this Friday, Good Friday!  They couldn't have picked a better day, except that I probably won't see it for another week.  Ugh!  Regardless, I am looking forward to seeing it in the theater ASAP!  C'mon girls...let's get our group together for a trip to the movies!

March 24, 2011


So last Monday (3/14/11) I took Lucas to the dentist on a whim because he had been complaining about his teeth hurting when he ate.  Since he is notorious for chipping teeth, I was concerned that we may have finally hit a nerve and needed something done about it.  I have tried to take him to the dentist before so that they could at the very least count his teeth, but we could barely get him to open his mouth. 

In order to get insurance to pay for the visit we opted to have his teeth cleaned.  He actually did really great!  It was an interesting experience to say the least.  He got an X-ray which showed us why at least one of his teeth was hurting.  He has short roots, so the dentist thought that he might lose that tooth before some of the others.  Also at least 3 teeth were "mobile."  I guess that means that they are loose but not enough to fall least so they told me.  When I asked how long it would be before I could expect for his mouth to start emptying out, they told me "several month."  I was excited about that since his 5th birthday is April 4th and I wanted to get one more round of pictures in before he started the toothless grin.

In the Dentist Chair

Unfortunately, we aren't so lucky.  On Monday (3/21/11) Lucas sent home his sandwich from school almost untouched.  He just said he wasn't hungry.  On Tuesday, the sandwich came home again, but so did a complaining kid with a hurt tooth.  Turns out it was dangling like it could fall out at any time.  What the heck?  Lying dentist!  

Lucas didn't want to eat and even cried when he bit in to a banana on the way to school on Wednesday.  Poor guy was upset that his tooth was going to fall out.  I convinced him to go to school...finally.  That is after I warned the teachers of his predicament.  :-)  When I picked him up from school at Hank's house, there he was, without that tooth.  I asked him what happened and he said he was eating crackers and he ate the tooth.   How do you eat a tooth?  It sort of killed the tooth fairy idea, but we went with it anyway.  He wasn't too impressed with the tooth fairy.  That gold dollar she brought just didn't amount to what a toy would have.  Oh well.  Maybe next time.  I think he is still too young to get it.

Below are some pictures of all the excitement.




March 18, 2011

I'm Back, I Swear!

After I returned from NYC, work was waiting and so was exhaustion.  I am still not "with it" as they say.  Regardless, I have to be.  The NCAA Tournament has started and that means I have filled out my brackets and will be glued to the TV keeping up with who is winning and who is losing. 

Suprisingly (and thankfully) L-ville lost yesterday to Morehead State.  Who would have thunk it?  Not me, but I don't care!  I'm all for a little bracket disruption.  UK barely pulled out their win, but a win is a win.  Looking forward to another "W" on Saturday!


March 3, 2011

NYC Bound

I'm alive.  I swear.  It has been an insane 2½ weeks for me.  Work has been crazy since I was trying to get a proposal out on Monday.  Also, I am filling in here and there for our in-house accountant while she is on the mend. 

In addition to my normal, everyday life, I am trying to get my things ready for the NYC.  I cannot wait!  A girls trip of a lifetime.  I have never been and am sure that sleep will not be an option while I'm away.  We will be living on Diet Coke, Red Bull, and pure adrenaline.  I am super stoked to get away for a few days and hang out with the best mom and aunts on the planet.  Needless to say, I will surely miss my main men. 

So until my return, I will leave you with a couple of pictures of my little dude.  He insisted on wearing this out the other night to dinner.  If there was ever any doubt, he is definitely all boy!  (Oh, and the flash of yellow is one of the dogs, Laci.  Can't keep her out of pictures.)

I'm a Cowboy!

February 15, 2011


I have been super busy lately and have neglected the blog.  I only have a brief minute, so I will leave you with a picture from Saturday.  Lucas and I were on our way to run some errands, which included "Chick to Play", Target and Macy's (I was in dire need for some makeup).  He insisted on being a policeman for the trip.  He wore his police jacket (hidden by his coat) where in the pockets were his handcuffs and walkie talkie/phone, and he also wore the matching hat.  Before we left I asked for a picture.  He pointed his fingers and said in his deepest, most convincing voice, "Lookin' Good!"  I nearly fell over.

February 8, 2011

Dear God...

Before I forget, I have to add this post.  Lucas is at work with me and drew me a random picture.  I had written on the paper already.  I asked what the picture was of and he said it was a heart for me.  Then he proceeded to read what the words I had already written said.  In his words, "Dear God, I love my mommy and daddy." 

Ahhh.  I love that kid!

Are you Serious?

So yesterday was an eventful day to say the least.  First of all, I get a call and an email from Lucas' school stating that they are shutting down for the next 2 days (Tuesday and Wednesday) not because of weather, but because of the FLU!  Now I appreciate their efforts in trying to contain it since they were at 80% attendance yesterday and the check out list of sick children was extensive.  However, I do see A LOT of stay at home moms coming in and out of that school on a daily basis.  More power to them.  That is a full time job in and of itself.  But what about we families that both parents work outside the home?  I don't have retired parents or a daycare center to just drop him off.  If my child is sick, I stay home with him.  I just find it a little bit weird that we have to stay home when someone else's kid is sick.  Hmmmm.  Granted, I have a flexible job where I can take Lucas to work with me so I can get a few things done, but I just wonder about others.  That is just me being me.

In addition to the call from school, I received a strange call at work too.   Around 3:30 or 4 yesterday a strange man calls to tell us that our late 60-something in office accountant had been hit by a car while walking in the neighborhood.  WTH?  I wasn't expecting that!  She what?!?!  She walks almost every day, rain or shine, to get her exercise.  I respect her for that.  And really, this wasn't her fault.  Some idiot didn't see her.  Luckily, she only has a broken leg (in 2 places below the knee) and a sprained ankle.  She is in the hospital.  They offered surgery or a full leg cast.  I think she is going for the full leg cast.  Can't say I blame her.  Bless her heart.  So, when you say your prayers, remember Ms. Gayle.  She was one lucky lady.  I guess we are all just one step away from being hit by a bus.  ;-)

February 4, 2011

Weekend Warrior

I like to think that when the weekend comes around that I am a "weekend warrior."  Sometimes that means busting tail to get the house cleaned and all my errands run.  Sometimes that means getting together with my girlfriends and getting my "bake on."  Other times that just means sitting on the couch watching sports (or Lucas monopolize the TV with Spongebob Squarepants or Lego Batman).  Either way, I try to make the most of my weekends.

I am making an honest effort as of late not to go out and "piddle" at the stores.  I always end up buying something unnecessary.  No matter that it is cheap and someting I might use.  Ben says it doesn't matter if you didn't need it to begin with.  Men.  Hmmhh.  They don't understand.  Sometimes a woman has to get her retail therapy in.  I deal with other peoples' crazy all week long.  I need the weekend to sit back and do what I want to do.

What do you like to do for the weekend?

February 3, 2011

First Post

I always thought I would never do this, but as days go by and I see others with fantastic and inspiring blogs, I decided to take a stab at it.  If anything just to be able to keep track of the funny and interesting stuff that happens to me and my family on a daily basis.  For instance, the other day Ben and I were having some random conversation.  At some point I said something to the extent of, "so and so doesn't need any more of that.  Jesus."  Lucas was evidently paying more attention than I thought and followed up with, "Jesus?"  Like, is he here somewhere.  Should I say hello.  It was priceless.  It is days like this that make me want to keep track of it all so that I can recall word for word these conversations at later dates.

You might find this as me rambling on and on because I am probably not the best person at the written word, but hopefully you can follow along.

I've decided as of late that I love that Lucas has no filter whatsoever when it comes to holding back his feelings or what he wants to say.  I appreciate it, but where does it end.  I don't want to make him think he has to refrain all the time when it comes to teaching him manners.  Some people appreciate honesty.  I just don't want him calling some lady in the checkout line at Kroger "fat!"  Heaven forbid.  I would be mortified trying to explain that one.  He is 4 (almost 5) and to some extent it seems like the filter should kick in.  Hmmmm.  Who knows? 

Here is a picture of Lucas from 80's day at school.  We just "popped" his collar.  He thought he was so cool.  He even did some cool moves for us on the fashion show runway at school.  White boy can dance!  (Ha, ha)